Vue sur la Relève is now seeking the artists who will form the program of its 26th edition.
After a year in which opportunities to present the results of creative processes proved rare, Vue sur la Relève stayed on course and managed to showcase 25 artists in a reinvented format—and it is now time for the next set of up-and-coming artists to engage by submitting your project before November 7, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. to become part of the 26th edition of Vue sur la Relève Festival.
Become part of the 26th edition of Vue sur la Relève’s high-quality multidisciplinary programming by submitting an application before October 31 2021. The Vue sur la Relève team is proud to announce that, in solidarity with emerging arts communities, which were and remain among those most stricken by the COVID-19 pandemic, registration for the 2022 edition of the festival is free.
Moreover, given that we constantly reflect on how we can contribute to a more inclusive and accessible arts ecosystem, we decided to raise the maximum age for participation in the festival to 40. We recognize that some artists, namely those from visible minorities and Indigenous communities, may face structural barriers that could delayed their integration into the performing arts industry.
Revising this eligibility criteria is a tangible way for the Vue sur la Relève team to reiterate its commitment to fight for a more inclusive and equitable arts ecosystem.
By submitting your application to Vue sur la Relève, you will have the chance to be part of our program and thus...
- have the opportunity to present your work in a paid, professional context especially designed for up-and-coming artists that is not a competition;
- have the opportunity to be discovered by people that might have an impact on your career development and by an audience that might follow you for the rest of that career;
- become part of a large, supportive family that listens to the needs of its artists;
- potentially have access to a creative residence as part of the Chantiers de création VSRL;
- be eligible to receive “Coup de Pouce” professional help (in the form of a grant, a performance (gig), mentorship, production, etc.) offered by more than 40 partners from the performing arts industry;
- network and exchange with artists from various disciplines within the performing arts who represent new trends in the field;
- profit from the guidance of industry leaders during round tables and talks on the challenges for emerging artists.
Eligibility criteria
- The submitted project must be an original work from any performing arts discipline (except stand-up comedy);
- The main initiator or creator of the project, as well as the majority of the artists performing on stage, must be emerging artists and aged 40 and under;
- The project must be intended for an adult audience;
- The project must be finalized and ready to be presented in a professional context. No projects in a phase of testing or in the process of creation will be considered;
- Only artists who have not yet commercialized or distributed an album (more than 6 songs or 30 minutes of content) will be considered for the categories of songs/music;
- Artists must be available for the festival dates, from May 3 to May 21 2022;
- Music artists: The festival will present showcases of up to 35 minutes in length;
- Theatre, dance, circus and speech arts, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary arts: The festival will present, whenever possible, complete shows.
Artists outside of Québec
As of today, we are not able to confirm our capacity to welcome artists from abroad for our 2022 edition. Before submitting your application, please contact the festival team.
We strongly suggest that artists interested in submitting their application should immediately begin seeking funding to travel to Montreal for the festival.
Evaluative criteria
The selection of artists is made by the artistic direction in consultation with committees composed of professionals in the industry. Together, they will analyze each application based on the following criteria:
- Artistic quality (40%) – The submitted project is well thought out and demonstrates a strong artistic process that fits well within the artist’s and/or collective’s career path;
- Potential for touring in Quebec (30%) – The project or show has strong touring potential and is adaptable to various locations, events, or venues. The show or project is completed and ready to be presented;
- Originality and process (20%) – The show or project is distinctive and contributes, through its originality, to the vitality and diversity of Quebec’s cultural landscape. The proposal iis innovative, either due to its will to advance artistic practices, the techniques it employs, the issues and themes it addresses, or any other element;
- First contact with the presenter’s industry (10%) – The project is not well established in the industry and therefore has not been or is not in the process of being widely presented to the public. The committee will evaluate the project on the number of times it has been or is planned to be presented. The project must not, for example, have been part of RIDEAU grant’s official selection and must not have toured across the province.
How to apply
To submit your application, you must fill our online application form before November 7, 2021 at 23h59
- For music artists: provide a sample of 5 songs or 20 minutes of content that are representative of the content that will be presented during the performance. Ideally, please also provide a recording showcasing a sample of the performance.
- For artists from all other disciplines: provide a link to a video recording of the entirety of your proposed performance;
- Provide a synopsis (one page maximum) that explains your artistic process (motivations, inspirations, themes addressed, explored forms, etc.)
- Provide a technical sheet of your performance including all specifications related to the necessary technical equipment as well as it’s placement on stage.
- Optional: Provide a dossier of press reviews compiling reviews and articles regarding you or your project.
- Optional: Provide the resumes of the artists taking part in your project.
- For projects including on-stage instruments: provide a detailed list of your instruments (patch list) and a detailed plan of their layout on stage (as an indication for the festival’s Technical Director).
- For projects with a specific lighting design: provide an extensive lighting plan (as an indication for the festival’s Technical Director).
- For projects with a scenography or accessories: provide a detailed plan of the element’s placement on stage and a summary (as an indication for the festival’s Technical Director)